
My Playstation Portable Collection
The PSP is a really cool console, thats highly customizable and has some pretty cool games. To keep track of the games i own for the PSP, i have made this list.
My Nintendo Switch Collection
The Nintendo Switch is a great handheld console and in the summer of 2023 i bought myself one. So here is a list of the games i currently own, aswell as a list of games im still looking to get.
My Playstation 5 Collection
The Playstation 5 is the newest console in my home, And is probably the one I'm most actively buying games for. So here is a list of the games i currently own, aswell as a list of games im still looking to get.
My Playstation 4 Collection
The Playstation 4 is another great console, that ive spent much time with. So here is a list of my collection of games for it, along with a list of games I'm still looking for.
My Playstation 3 Collection
The Playstation 3 is an awesome console, with many great games. So here is a list with my PS3 games collection, aswell as a list of the games im still looking for.
My Playstation 2 Collection
The Playstation 2 is a console i have had since the early 2000s, but i never had many games for it as most time spent with this console was in tony hawk games. So here is a list of the games i own for the Playstation 2.
My Playstation Vita Collection
The Playstation Vita is one of my favorite consoles. And ever since i found it earlier this year i have picked up games for it whenever i have found a good deal. To keep track of the games that do exist for the console, aswell as the games i own, here is a list of all games that exist in physical format.